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April 4, 2013 @ 2:18 PM

Today I put a post on Facebook that said:  

Dry skin is lack of ‘oil’….. dehydrated skin is lack of ‘water’. 
People can have oily skin, yet be very dehydrated! 
If you have oily skin... it's best to use an (oil free) moisturiser daily... to prevent dehydration (ageing)


Then someone asked "How do you tell the difference?".

So....  Here is my explanation.

Dehydrated skin indications:    

  • dull colour
  • uneven texture
  • fine lines
  • sun damaged
  • can be irritated, flaky and feel tight
  • loss of elasticity 

What causes Dehydration?  

Our skin is made up of 70% water.... so it is quite easy for skin to lose a good deal of water hydration ............

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February 25, 2013 @ 11:23 AM

I want to introduce you to my dad.  Before I came along, he was a surfer from Newcastle.  Blonde hair, tanned skin, and a pretty good body.   Like most macho men....  he never wore sunscreen.  Back in the 1950's & 60's the ozone layer wasn't as destroyed as it is now.  And Dad would have a permanent tan... so he probably thought that was good protection.   Here's a photo of him when he was around 20 years old ⇒  

He got older.  The sun got more harsh.  But he was tough.  He didn't use sunscreen.

Then he noticed bumps on his head.  Spots that would change colour.  He got it checked out, and he had skin .........

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May 11, 2012 @ 7:35 AM

Prior to being a beauty therapist, I worked in finance. I worked in a huge trading room in London, which had no windows. I used to get up around 5.30am (it was dark) and go home when it was dark. I would spend half an hour applying make-up, and remove it each night when I got home. Then I thought.... I could have half an hour extra sleep if I didn't apply make-up. So I went to work naked.... a bare face (I was wearing clothes). At first my co-workers asked if I was feeling ill (as looked pale). But they got used to my bare face, and I enjoyed that extra half hour sleep.

Then I returned to Australia and became a beauty therapist. I rarely wore make-up. I bought a beauty salon, then a 2nd one - and I rarely wore make-up. .........

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May 7, 2012 @ 12:44 PM

I started this blog on the 1st January 2012. I had loads of ideas and I was as keen as mustard. I had plans to post at least once a week, and provide lots of video demonstrations as well.

But then life took over!  I plan to write all my own posts. I won't hire a 'ghost writer' or take articles from the internet. My posts will always be about my experiences, my recommendations, my philosophies. But at the end of the day.... I'm not a 'writer'. I'm a mum of 3 young kids. I'm a sole operater of a business. I'm a former beauty therapist. This year has been particularly frantic with my 5yo boy starting school, my 4yo girl starting kindergarten, and my 1yo baby getting her independance. I feel like I'......

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January 26, 2012 @ 6:53 AM

Imagine you're a painter.  You're about to paint a wall.  But the wall has old peeling paint, and dust and cobwebs.  Now, you wouldn't just open your tin of paint and start brushing, as the finish would look terrible.   You would prepare the wall, give it a dust, sand out any rough spots and remove the peeling paint.  And you would apply a base coat so that the final coats of paint would look really professional.

Well... consider your face is the wall.   A cleanser and exfoliant are the preparation.  Your moisturiser is the base coat.  And makeup is the final coat.  For your skin to look it's best, you need to clean the cobwebs, .........

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January 16, 2012 @ 6:15 AM

Cleansing your skin is so important.  Obviously it removes make up, and grime from the airborne particles that float around (ever noticed the air when the light shines through a window?).  But the right cleanser can also help improve your skin.  And saying that.. the incorrect cleanser can damage your skin.

Cleansers come in various forms... and the first thing is to choose the one that suits your skin type.  Then, it's personal choice as to which one you select.  (I will list our cleansers below).

There are also various ways to use a cleanser.  Some you emulsify with water.  Some you use straight on the skin.   Personally I find it best to remove cleanser with a warm, wet face cloth (aka: .........

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January 12, 2012 @ 12:00 PM

I was 16 years old once.  28 years ago.   I used to love basking in the sun.  Back then, it was a popular thing to do.    I'm sure lots of people (particularly in Australia) got skin cancer back then.... but it wasn't publicized.  There were no campaigns. 
It was 20 years ago that the "Slip Slop Slap" promotion came on TV.  Even 20 years ago... there were three steps : Slip on a shirt, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a hat.   Now there are 5 s's.    Slip, Slop, Slap, SEEK shade and SLIDE on sunglasses. 

I wish I knew then... what I know now.  I studied beauty therapy 16 years ago.  That's when I made HUGE changes to the way I view tanning, and sun protection.  It has helped.  I don't look like I'm 44yo.  I actually stopped tanning 20 .........

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January 4, 2012 @ 8:09 AM

As a new year rolls around, many of us decide on a resolution.  The most common resolutions are to lose weight, quit smoking, and things to do with finances. 

For me I have vowed to lose weight this year.  In the last 5 years I have been pregnant 4 times!  But no more babies for me.  It's time to take care of myself, and get into better health.  Overall, I'm pretty healthy.  I've never smoked, never done drugs, and I don't drink much.  And call me a freak, but I have never drunk tea or coffee either!  If you see my video below... you might be surprised that I am about to turn 44.  I've never had any cosmetic surgery or anything like botox etc.  It&#......

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January 2, 2012 @ 12:45 AM

My first video! Please excuse how nervous I am.

     press the "read more" link below to leave a comment about this video.  (thanks)



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January 1, 2012 @ 8:33 PM

I've finally done this.  I've started a blog.  This is something I have resisted for years.  Maybe a fear of writing every week... and no-one is reading!  And not knowing what to write about.    So that is where I need YOU!!!!   If you like an article or post....  please leave a comment, or press the Facebook "like" link, or somehow let me know you're out there reading this.  And....  I need suggestions for things to write about.  So don't hesitate to give me some ideas for topics.  I will really appreciate it.

Now... what do I write on the inaugural post??   How about an introduction.

My name is Jodie.  In 6 ......

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